Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding that schools receive in order to address underlying inequalities between children. About 46.3% of our children currently qualify for this funding as they have been eligible for Free School Meals at some time in their school life.  This figure is almost three times the national average. The school uses the funding in a variety of ways to overcome barriers to learning.  Currently Pupil Premium funding is £1,445 per child each year.


Additionally, ‘Looked After Children’ and children whose parent(s) are in the armed forces also receive £2,530 per year. There are currently no looked after children or service children at Thornton. 


For this financial year the school will receive additional Pupil Premium funding of £355,020 and Recovery Premium funding of £35,054.


The statement below explains how the funding has been allocated in school to overcome barriers to learning for eligible pupils.


Over the last three years we have seen some improvement in outcomes for eligible pupils and we are continuing to use the effective strategies put in place which saw gaps narrow between eligible pupils and their peers in the past, and add other key measures, such as developing our Reading Plus programme, to enable children to have access to high quality reading texts both at home and in school.  We are committed to closing the gap between eligible pupils and other pupils and welcome support from parents in making this a reality.


The school has a Pupil Premium Governor, Ms Sofina Begum, and she works closely with the school to ensure that funding is used appropriately.  Governors also receive regular updates on the performance of eligible pupils and how their outcomes compare to other pupils in school and also other pupils nationally.  The Governors share the staff's commitment to improving outcomes every year until the gap is closed and all eligible pupils achieve their full potential.