
Thornton Primary School has 3 main behavioural expectations that can be applied to every situation.  They are purposely simple to ensure all stakeholders (pupils, parents/carers and staff) can remember our three simple expectations and apply them consistently. Our expectations require pupils to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.

We also have 5 core values which we promote in order to be the best versions of ourselves we can be: challenge, responsibility, integrity, collaboration and kindness.

All our expectations are shared using constructive and positive language in order to strengthen positive relationships in the delivery of our behaviour system.

Staff receive training on how to facilitate restorative conversations with pupils to rebuild relationships if they should break down.  Pupils are encouraged to understand how their behaviour impacts on themselves and others and how they can make positive changes in the future.

Recognition Boards are used in every classroom to display our behaviour expectations and our frequently changing focus learning attitude for the class.  This collective approach to all pupils being successful in achieving a common goal reinforces positive collaboration to benefit all.  Pupils going above and beyond are recognised using praise postcards posted home and positive telephone calls home.