Year 6 Summer Term

Darwins Delights - Summer 1
Children have learned about animals, including humans, both in year six and in previous years. Through this, children will already have an awareness of how animals may have strengths to suit their environments. Children will have also looked at the life cycles of different animals and the life cycles of plants and how they function. Children have some understanding of continents and the equator to understand where Darwin’s research on the Galapagos Islands took place.
This half term, our topic and science lessons are very closely linked together. Firstly, we get the fantastic opportunity to observe a variety of fossils from millions of years ago, exploring the look, feel and texture of the fossils. We will then make predictions as to what the fossils are before finding out where they came from.
We are then going to spend time researching Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and natural selection, whilst also researching information about Mary Anning and the impact she had on the theory of evolution. We will use this to support our science and English work to consider both of their impacts on the scientific world, the controversies surrounding their work and why some people may disagree with their views. Lastly, we will consider how work from both scientists has helped our understanding of evolution and why they were both so impactful and important. 
In art, the artist we will focus on is Henry Rousseau, who was also inspired by nature. We will recreate a jungle scene using collage materials by taking ideas from his art by applying the skills we have learned. 
In English, we will be creating our own creatures, considering how they may have evolved and adapted in order to write our own non-chronological reports about them. We will also be writing biographies about the life of Charles Darwin, including all of the key moments and achievements in his eventful life.